Sean Orr is COPE’s candidate for the April 5th Vancouver By-Election.

The Coalition of Progressive Electors has been fighting for the 99% since 1968.

COPE is always on the side of the people. Since 1968, COPE has delivered major results for people in Vancouver, including the first limits on rent increases (1968), hot meal programs for inner city youth (1989), and free transit for kids (2021). COPE believes in fighting for what’s needed, including affordable housing, better tenant protections, climate justice, and well-funded public services like pools, schools, and libraries.

Donate to Support Sean’s Campaign

Sean Orr and COPE can win this election.

We’re putting together our last-minute expenses to close out our campaign. That means digital and radio ads, and a huge get out the vote effort across the city

We just need another $15,000 and we’ll be locked in on our path to victory. Can you help us with a donation to help close out our campaign?

Sign up to knock doors, make calls, or petition for Sean Orr and COPE.

We can elect Sean Orr with your help. Sign up for a shift on the Canvass Calendar, and help us elect someone who will fight for housing.

Evict Ken Sim

Donate to COPE, get some cool merch, boot out an awful mayor. Win-win-win.

Evict Ken Sim Pins

Evict Ken Sim Shirts

Suzie Mah Has Your Back on Vancouver School Board.

Ken Sim and ABC are trying to defund programs, sell off school land, and defund and close our schools. COPE’s Suzie Mah is fighting every day for teachers, students, and families.